Harley Street, London | 0203 075 2345
Spire Clare Park Hospital, Surrey | 01252 895490

Facial Injuries

Facial disfigurement caused by traumatic events such as road traffic or sporting accidents can cause significant psychological damage to an individual and it is important to try and treat the facial deformity for that person’s wellbeing and peace of mind.

There are many different treatments depending on the nature of the injury. Maxillofacial Surgeons routinely treat the effects of facial trauma and would usually first see the patient immediately after the injury. Acute treatment might involve repairing facial lacerations, reducing and fixing facial bone fractures and repairing damaged nerves. However once the acute injury has healed then any residual lasting facial deformity might require surgery for what is termed “secondary deformity” of the face. Treatments might include:

Scar Revision and laser treatment for improving unsightly scars

Osteotomies of the bony skeleton of the face, including the jaws, cheekbones and the eye socket.

Bone grafting may be required to replace lost or damaged bone.

Fat grafting may be necessary to replace lost fat and recontour the face.

Implants may help replace lost volume such as might occur if the cheekbone is crushed

Rhinoplasty, septo- rhinoplasty, nose reconstruction to correct a deformed nose or help breathing following a fracture of the nose.

Skin flaps and hair transplants
may be used to replace lost skin, and hair bearing scalp.

Many of these procedures can be employed at the same time to address complex facial deformity and it is important that the patient should consult a surgeon with experience in dealing with both facial soft tissue as well as bone damage