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Treatment of facial wrinkles

The medical term for facial wrinkles is rhytids. The medical term for a facelift is a rhytidectomy

However a rhytidectomy of facelift is not always necessary to deal with facial wrinkles and in many cases is not the appropriate choice for the treatment of wrinkles. For example those rhytids caused by facial expression will not show a long term benefit from a rhytidectomy.

A common misconception is that a facelift is the treatment of choice for any wrinkles but in fact a facelift is most effective at lifting sagging of the face and neck into its more youthful position on the face.

What causes wrinkles?

Wrinkles appear as we get older. With ageing the elastin fibers in the skin which maintain its elasticity degenerate and we produce less collagen. This can be made worse by excessive exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight) and smoking.

Consequently the skin wrinkles especially around the mouth and eyes where facial expression is most active. The loss of support and elasticity, as well as stretching of the facial ligaments, causes drooping of the skin of the brow, the face and the neck. Under the effects of gravity.

Before choosing the best method of rejuvenating the face a careful medical examination and diagnosis is necessary so that the appropriate treatment can be applied.

Skin resurfacing is a technique for removing wrinkles around the mouth, lips, cheeks and eyes. It removes the outer layer of skin or epidermis and stimulates the underlying dermis to produce new collagen. It acts to rejuvenate the skin, thicken and tighten the skin. There are three techniques used to achieve this; Laser treatment, Dermabrasion and Chemical Peels.